Ravioli with meat sauce

RavioliServes for 6 persons: 500g ricotta very fresh, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, a grating of lemon peel, two egg yolks, 4 eggs, flour how much is absorbed by the eggs, a pinch of salt, 200g sugar.

Preparation: Place the flour as fountain, break 4 eggs and work it all so long as the dough appears smooth (and mind you that is not too hard). Make the dough. Previously have been amalgamated into a bowl the sugar, cottage cheese, cinnamon, lemon peel and 2 egg yolks. On the strip of dough to have, at equal intervals, a bit of filling. Cover the strip with another strip. Cut crescent-shaped in outline and to press the edge of the ravioli with a fork, to avoid that, once in water, to re-open. When cooked, drizzle with sauce or with sugar and cinnamon.